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足の厥陰肝経 |
acupuncture point Liver 14
足の厥陰肝経、The Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin
肝経鍼灸整体経穴1. 大敦(だいとん)
Liver(LV)1. Da Dun(Large Pile)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴2. 行間(こうかん)
Liver(LV)2. Xing Jian(Moving Between)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴3. 太衝(たいしょう)
Liver(LV)3. Tai Chong(Great Surge)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴4. 中封(ちゅうほう)
Liver(LV)4. Zhong Feng(Mound Center)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴5. 蠡溝(れいこう)
Liver(LV)5. Li Gou(Woodworm Canal)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴6. 中都(ちゅうと)
Liver(LV)6. Zhong Du(Central Metropolis)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴7. 膝関(しつかん)
Liver(LV)7. Xi Guan(Knee Joint)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴8. 曲泉(きょくせん)
Liver(LV)8. Qu Quan(Spring at the Bend)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴9. 陰包(いんぽう)
Liver(LV)9. Yin Bao(Yin Bladder)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴10. 足五里(あしのごり)
Liver(LV)10. Zu Wu Li(Foot Five Li)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴11. 陰廉(いんれん)
Liver(LV)11. Yin Lian(Yin Corner)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴12. 急脉(きゅうみゃく)
Liver(LV)12. Ji Mai(Urgent Pulse)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴13. 章門(しょうもん)
Liver(LV)13. Zhang Men(Camphorwood Gate)
肝経鍼灸整体経穴14. 期門(きもん)
Liver(LV)14. Qi Men(Cycle Gate)
